
I’m Tori, a Postpartum Doula, Aware Parenting Instructor and Matrescence Educator. My journey in this field began after the birth of my first daughter in 2016. Motherhood significantly shifted my priorities and perspective, much like it does for many. Now, I’m a proud mother of two beautiful daughters, both of whom inspire my ongoing exploration and dedication to supporting families as well as my own personal journey.

"Motherhood is a journey that transforms not just the lives of our children but also our own. I am dedicated to empowering mothers, helping them to enjoy their parenting experience."

Through my motherhood experience, I discovered a heartfelt calling to stand alongside women. I fully immersed myself on a path of personal growth and became certified as a Postpartum Doula, exploring the depth of what it means to nurture new life for both the baby and the mother. Delving into the complexities of postpartum care, my purpose became clear – to become a foundational support during this chapter in a woman’s life. My mission is to ensure every mother's voice is heard, her worth celebrated, and her journey honoured with understanding and empathy.

My experience as a certified Seasons of Matrescence® Educator and Guide provides me with insight into the psychological shift that occurs upon becoming a mother. My guidance is finely tuned to the individual rhythms of each mother's experience – from pregnancy to early parenthood and beyond.

My journey did not end there. I further enriched my expertise by becoming a qualified Aware Parenting Instructor, an approach that resonates with the very core of my philosophy on raising children – nurturing through love, understanding, and respect. I am passionate about strengthening connections between parents and their children. I hold an unwavering belief that parenting can – and should – be a journey filled with joy and fulfilment.

Qualifications and Certificates

> Certified Postpartum Doula

> Aware Parenting Instructor

> Seasons of Matrescence® Educator and Guide

> Certificate IV in Business Administration

> Working with Children Check

Birth Right Training Academy
Doula Network Australia